Tuesday, February 22, 2005

2/22 DC/MD/VA Snow Alert

Snow Alert

What?: Moderate Snow Event

Where? Most of Virginia and Maryland

When? Thursday

How Much?

2-4 Northern Virginia and Maryland areas

4-8 Central Virginia

2-4 NC/VA Border with Sleet and Freezing rain involved especially coast!

Could see heavier amounts of 10 inches in parts of the region!

Accumulations vary North to south and not east to west in this event. (Further north the less the amounts)


  1. Northern cut off of precip could be sharp so Northern Maryland could see far less

  2. Higher Ratios could up the Northern Virginia and Maryland amounts.

  3. Precip could come further north than what models show.. but not by much!

  4. Low may not come far enough north (low risk, but there)

OF NOTE: Cold air is not a big issue with this event as the last 2 events, thus snowfall much more likely in this event

Hope for Snowfall maps later tonight!

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