Thursday, January 20, 2005


Late but I wanted to digest for a while. I hope people can view web sites because to describe what I am thinking would be hard!


Highlighting major areas: (Think of regions around these points, not the location itself)

Hagerstown: 5-10 some 14+

Baltimore: 4-8 some 10+

Washington DC National: 4-8 some 10+

Washington DC Dulles: 4-8 some 10+

Stafford: 3-6 with icing issues

Fredericksburg: :  3-6 with icing issues

Charlottesville: 3-6 with icing issues

Richmond: 2-4 with icing concerns. Some concerns of second wave

Wakefield: 2-4 with some icing concerns. Risk of second wave snows

Norfolk: 2-4. Risk of second wave snowstorm

Roanoke: 2-4 with icing concerns

Lynchburg: 3-6 with icing issues

SEE MAP: for my First Guess!


Quick updates:


Size of Storm: Still in question! Second wave feature is a serious factor. Areas it hits may be in excess of 8 inches on top of what they have now. Initial storm has about what you see on the map for potential, BUT.. snow ratios may really push these totals up!

When: Saturday Afternoon and overnight. Sunday could be serious for Southeastern and eastern Virginia.

How Much: Kind of a guessing game now. My best guess is at



  1. There are models starting to hint at a more substantial event. Is this a trend?
  2. Location of upper features are still not totally clear
  3. That secondary storm has serious potential and serious consequences for whomever it affects!


All for now!



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